From our therapy room located in central Exeter, I offer a unique approach to therapy that integrates the profound benefits of canine companionship. With scientific support and many success stories, we can explore the remarkable ways in which our therapy dog, Ted, can enhance your therapeutic journey.
When visiting my therapy room, you will be greeted by Ted, our resident therapy dog, here to make you feel instantly at ease. Ted might even accompany you to your seat, offering a comforting presence as you settle in.
While Ted might not seem actively involved in the therapy session, his presence alone can work wonders. Having him in the room can help you relax, open up, and explore your thoughts and feelings more freely. Ted's gentle demeanour and unconditional acceptance create a safe space for you to share your experiences without judgment.
If you become upset or distressed during the session, Ted will likely sense your emotional state and offer comfort. He might approach you for a gentle stroke or nuzzle, providing a grounding and calming influence. The simple act of interacting with Ted can help regulate your blood pressure, heart rate, and anxiety levels, promoting a sense of calm and well-being.
Whether you prefer to sit on the floor next to Ted, have him join you on the sofa, or simply have him observe from a distance, we'll adapt the session to your comfort level. During our specialist pet therapy in Exeter, our goal is to create an environment where you feel safe and supported, with Ted's presence enhancing the therapeutic process.
The benefits of animal-assisted therapy are not just anecdotal; they're backed by scientific research. Interacting with animals like dogs and cats has been shown to trigger the release of hormones such as serotonin, prolactin, and oxytocin. These hormones play a crucial role in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, promoting relaxation and overall mental well-being.
As a certified canine-assisted therapist based in Exeter, I hold the following accreditations:
➊ Level 4 (Level 5 equiv) Advanced Professional Diploma in Counselling Theory and Therapeutic Practice (Accredited by the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society)
❷ NCPS Approved training in Online Counselling
❸ Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Skills
❹ Level 2 Introduction to Counselling
❺ Certificate in Canine-Assisted Therapy
My approach combines traditional therapeutic techniques with the unique benefits of animal-assisted interventions. Together, we'll create a personalised plan that addresses your unique needs.
If you're seeking a compassionate and effective approach to therapy, we are here to help. Whether you're struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma, or other mental health challenges, our canine-assisted therapy can provide a supportive and transformative experience. Reach out to me to discuss how Ted and I can help you or book a session at my therapy room just two minutes from Exeter Central Station.